

  1. J.-W. Liaw, B.-X. Chen, Y.-C. Ku, C.-Y. Yang, C.-W. Lin, M.-K. Kuo, “Optical manipulation of optical vortex beam on gold nanoparticle”, J. Mech. 38, 552–559, 2022.
  2. S.-Y. Yu, M.-H. Shih, Y.-C. Ku, Y.-H. Kuo, J.-W. Liaw*, “Water-immersion laser scanning annealing for improving polycrystalline Au film”, ACS Omega 7(46), 42272-42282, 2022.
  3. Chieh‑Tsai Wu, Yao‑Hung Yang, and Yau-Zen Chang*, “Three-dimensional deep learning to automatically generate cranial implant geometry,” Scientific Reports, 12:2683, 17 February 2022, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-06606-9.
  4. S.-Y. Yu, C.-H. Tu, J.-W. Liaw*, M.-K. Kuo*, “Laser-induced plasmonic nanobubbles and microbubbles in gold nanorod colloidal solution”, Nanomaterials 12(7), 1154, 2022.
  5. Y.-C. Ku, J.-W. Liaw*, S.-Y. Mao, M.-K. Kuo*, “Conversion of a helical surface plasmon polariton into a spiral surface plasmon polariton at the outlet of a metallic nanohole”, ACS Omega 7(12), 10420–10428, 2022.
  6. Y.-C. Ku, M.-K. Kuo, J.-W. Liaw*, “Winding Poynting vector of light around plasmonic nanostructure”, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 278, 108005, 2022.